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Background to the Study: Advertising plays a crucial role in the process of moving the goods from the producers to the consumers. While assisting the consumer in making decisions and preferences from among the diversity of items available for his selection and option, advertising assists to enhance mass marketing. Advertising as we know it now didn't start until the second part of the 19th century. Sonkusare, (2013). Mass communication was required to inform customers of their options as a result of the reality of mass production and the requirement to build routes of distribution to handle the actual physical movement of goods. In a competitive market, it is essential for advertising managers to grab customer’s attention through advertisements and sales promotion. The cost of marketing includes a substantial advertising spend.

Advertising has a substantial positive influence on customer purchasing decisions, whereas consumer perception has a favourable but limited impact. According to Muhammad, (2012), effective advertising and good impression may significantly influence consumers' purchasing decisions. Advertising was described by Brehanu and Shimeles, (2015) as the planned broadcast of specific information and persuasion through mass media. Advertising is any form of compensated non-personal presentation and promotion of concepts, products, or services by a reputable sponsor Kotler et al., (2012). Advertisements can be placed in print media like brochures, newspapers, and magazines as well as audio and visual media like television and billboards.

Advertising (ad) is a tactic that effectively and widely disseminates information about goods, services, and innovations. It is a common practice to make available information on potential customers through non-personal contact. The tendency of a client to make unplanned purchases of products and services is known as impulsivity. Emotions and expectations are often aroused at the time a buyer decides to make such a purchase. The fact that they tend to make impulsive purchases as a result of advertising contributes to the challenge. Shopping and loneliness have a common bond in our daily lives. There are numerous different platforms available for shopping. People who are alone also have a strong want to buy things to fill a void. A lonely individual feels socially excluded because he lacks the type of companionship he would like. It aims to ascertain how fast-moving product purchases influenced by advertising changed customer behaviour.

Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) commonly referred to as Consumer-packaged goods (CPG), are goods that are in great demand, move rapidly off the shelves, and are affordably priced. Abraham (2019). These goods are referred to as "Fast-Moving" because customers often utilize them, which causes them to go quickly from shop or supermarket shelves. Every family spends a considerable amount of money each month on FMCG items due to the fact that the items are necessities for everyday life, fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) has a large client base. Since each age group and section of society utilizes one or more FMCG brand items, the product selection would aid in the selection of various age groups. This group of customers can assist in improving our comprehension of how advertising affects consumer behaviour.

Due to the enormous number of individuals who purchase FMCG items, a sizable quantity of money flows through the economy as a result of these products. Both an organization's existing products and new products must understand consumer choice/behaviour. Every buyer approaches buying a product with a different mind-set and way of thinking. If a business doesn't comprehend what a customer expects from a product, there is a significant danger of product failure. Changes in fashion, technology, trends, lifestyle, disposable income, and other related elements have an impact on consumer behaviour. Han (2021). A marketer has to be aware of shifting circumstances in order to develop effective marketing tactics. In a highly competitive marketing climate, a company's capacity to recognize and address unmet customer requirements more effectively and quickly than its rivals is essential to its survival, profitability, and development. Thus, customer Choice contributes to the accomplishment of marketing goals. Therefore, the aim for this study is to determine the influence of different form of advertising on consumers purchasing decision on fast moving consumer goods (FCMG).

1.2 Statement of the problem

In the highly dynamic and competitive consumer goods market of Lagos State, where numerous Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) brands vie for consumers' attention and loyalty, the role and impact of advertising have become increasingly critical. Lagos State, being one of Nigeria's economic hubs, hosts a diverse and ever-evolving consumer goods landscape. The market is marked by constant shifts in consumer preferences, trends, and demands. This dynamism is amplified by the cosmopolitan nature of Lagos, where a myriad of cultures, income levels, and lifestyles intersect. Within this context, consumers are presented with an extensive array of choices, from everyday essentials to indulgent treats, all competing for their attention and loyalty David and James (1982).

In this fiercely competitive environment, advertising has emerged as a pivotal tool for FMCG companies such as Cadbury Nigeria PLC. Recognizing the intensity of competition, businesses allocate substantial resources to advertising to cut through the noise and distinguish their products. Cadbury Nigeria PLC, a prominent player, is no exception; it strategically invests in advertising its FMCG products. These campaigns are meticulously crafted and executed across various media channels to achieve specific objectives. However, despite these substantial investments and strategic efforts, advertising effectiveness remains a complex challenge. The interplay of numerous factors can either enhance or hinder the impact of advertising campaigns. Therefore the aim of this research is to examine the different forms of advertisements and its impact on consumer’s choice of Fast moving consumer products (FMCGS): A case study of Cadbury PLC.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this study is to examine the influence of advertising on consumer buying behaviour by focusing on Cadbury fast consuming products. Other specific objectives are:

  1. To analyse the effectiveness of Broadcast advertising on Brand loyalty for Cadbury products.
  2. To investigate the relationship between Outdoor advertising and consumer attitudes concerning Cadbury brands.
  3. To examine the influence of online advertising on Buying decision process of Cadbury products.
  4. To investigate the role of social media advertising on impulse buying of Cadbury Products.